How the Coronavirus Could Create a New Working Class
From today’s Atlantic Online: Late last month, a photo circulated of delivery drivers crowding around Carbone, a Michelin-starred Greenwich Village restaurant, waiting to pick up $32 rigatoni and bring it…
For 53 million Americans stuck in low-wage jobs, the road out is hard
From today’s Los Angeles Times: Unemployment is hovering near a five-decade low, workforce participation is at the highest level in six years and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome H. Powell recently…
Wage inequality is surging in California, and not just on the coast. Here’s why
From today’s Los Angeles Times: Wage inequality has risen more in California cities than in the metropolitan areas of any other state, with seven of the nation’s 15 most unequal…
Workers, Should You Tell the World How Much Money You Make?
From today’s New York Times: There are many questions Alison Green is asked as a columnist who writes about workplace issues. There was the woman who wanted to know if…
The $70,000-a-Year Minimum Wage
From today’s New York Times: Staff members gasped four years ago when Dan Price gathered the 120 employees at Gravity Payments, the company he had founded with his brother, and…
Household Net Worth Rebounding Since Financial Crisis
From today’s NYT “Business Day” by Floyd Norris: THE net worth of American households is now 20 percent higher than it was before it began to decline in 2007, the…
A New Report Argues Inequality Is Causing Slower Growth. Here’s Why It Matters.
From today’s NYT blog “The Upshot” by Neil Irwin: Is income inequality holding back the United States economy? A new report argues that it is, that an unequal distribution in…
Brookings study finds income inequality in America’s largest cities
From the Brookings Institute “Metropolitan Opportunity Series” Papers: In December 2013, President Obama gave a speech on economic mobility, in which he called income inequality and lack of upward mobility…
Economic inequality is a problem, as is gap between ideal and reality
Check out this informative video that provides a graphic representation of wealth inequality in the U.S. and the gap in perception between what people think an ideal distribution of wealth…