Sex Workers Say Incel Campaign to Report Them to IRS Won’t Work
From today’s Rolling Stone Magazine: A few angry men on the internet have launched a campaign encouraging others to report sex workers to the IRS for failing to report income…
From today’s Rolling Stone Magazine: A few angry men on the internet have launched a campaign encouraging others to report sex workers to the IRS for failing to report income…
From today’s New York Times: When President Trump adds his distinctive signature to the tax bill, he will also be making a huge bet that the Republican strategy of deep…
From today’s New York Times: A Republican requirement that Congress consider the full cost of major legislation threatened to derail the party’s $1.5 trillion tax rewrite last week. So lawmakers…
From today’s Politico News: Republicans are on the cusp of passing the biggest corporate tax cut in American history, betting it will ignite an economic boom that creates better jobs…
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) many states that see the wisdom of compliance are setting up health insurances exchanges, but under a little known provision called the “Cadillac Tax,”…
There is a concerted bipartisan effort to pass tax reform legislation among centrist Democrats and Republicans alike. However, the deep animosity between the radicalized House Republicans and the Obama Administration…
The U.S. economy contracted by a fraction of a percent in the final quarter of last year, catching investors off guard. According to a Commerce Department report released yesterday GDP…
The failure of Congress to make substantial economic reform is nowhere more visible than in the present hysteria regarding the “fiscal cliff” and its consequences for the federal budget and…
Tonight is the third and final presidential debate before the election next month. The primary focus of this debate in Boca Raton, FL will be foreign policy, but most commentators…
The Labor Department released July’s employment figures today and once again there is little good news. According to the report the economy added 163,000 jobs last month even though the…