Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

From today’s ABC7 News:

Summer heat is on the rise and for many workers in Southern California it can be a miserable time of year.

Especially for warehouse workers.

“Now that it is getting hotter, I am even more worried about myself and my coworkers. I have seen some people faint from the heat,” said Carrie Stone, who works at an Amazon warehouse in Moreno.

Warehouses operators like Amazon say the company has climate-control measures in place – but they may soon have to do more.

On Thursday, the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board unanimously passed heat standards titled Heat Illness Prevention in Indoor Place of Employment.

“This is really significant. Up until now workers have not had these rights or protections and there has not been clear guidance to employers about what they need to do to keep workers safe,” said attorney Tim Shadix with the Warehouse Workers Resource Center.

The nonprofit warehouse workers advocacy group was one of several to speak in favor of indoor heat regulations.

The new rules require employers to provide heat safety training, cooling areas and water when the indoor temperature reaches 82 degrees.

If the temperature exceeds that, then required measures can include cooling devices, adjustments in work schedules, more breaks and slower production pace.

Read the complete story here.

By Editor