Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

From today’s Interlochen Public Radio Online:

The Michigan Supreme Court will decide whether the Legislature exceeded its authority under the state Constitution when Republican majorities changed wage and paid sick leave laws that were enacted under Michigan’s petition initiative process.

In 2018, the GOP-controlled Legislature adopted two laws initiated by petition campaigns — one to boost the state minimum wage to $12 an hour and ratchet increases to inflation and the other to require businesses to let workers to accrue paid sick leave.

The minimum wage campaign submitted more than 280,000 signatures of registered voters.

The Legislature’s votes kept the questions from going to the ballot. But then Republicans waited for the post-election lame duck session and voted to weaken the laws. Republican Governor Rick Snyder went along and signed the watered-down versions.

That led to the legal challenges.

Activist Danielle Atkinson worked on those campaigns and said what Republicans did was unfair and unconstitutional.

“This has been an injustice not only about minimum wage and earned sick time,” she told the Michigan Public Radio Network. “Those are at the heart of the case, but the bigger problem is democracy, and we just want to have a ruling that says what they did was unconstitutional.”

Article 2, Section 9 of the Michigan Constitution says:
The people reserve to themselves the power to propose laws and to enact and reject laws, called the initiative, and the power to approve or reject laws enacted by the legislature, called the referendum. The power of initiative extends only to laws which the legislature may enact under this constitution.

Read the complete story here.

By Editor