Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

From today’s Consumer Finance Monitor:

Connecticut is the next in a growing list of states to pass comprehensive data privacy legislation.  Last Friday, the Connecticut legislature passed, by large margins, Senate Bill 6 — which we are referring to as the Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA).  The law now awaits the Governor’s signature.

The CTDPA follows the form and content of other privacy laws passed in the prior year, including the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA), Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA), and Utah Privacy Act (UPA).  California, of course, passed the California Consumer Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) via ballot initiative in 2020.  All of these laws will become effective in 2023.

Unfortunately for many businesses, the CTDPA contains variations on certain obligations and consumers rights that are, in some ways, more consumer friendly than the rough consensus among other state privacy laws and less consumer friendly in other ways.  Companies will need to pay close attention to these nuances in assessing how to build their privacy programs.

Here is a summary of how Connecticut’s privacy law compares to the state laws that will become effective in 2023.

Read the complete story here.

By Editor