Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

From today’s Newsweek:

Election officials in 49 states, including swing states crucial to the victory of Democratic President-elect Joe Biden, have all publicly stated that they’ve seen no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Their statements run contrary to the claims of the Republican National Committee (RNC) and President Donald Trump‘s re-election campaign.

Months before the election, Trump claimed he would only lose if there were widespread fraud or vote-rigging. Trump subsequently lost the election by more than 5 million popular votes and 73 electoral votes.

Biden decisively won due to 273,000 popular votes and 79 electoral votes in six swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Election officials and secretaries of state from those and 43 other states told The New York Times that they neither suspect nor have proof of any widespread voter fraud. The only state not to respond was Texas, where Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick offered citizens $1 million for any evidence of fraud.

Gabriel Sterling, voting implementation manager in the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, disavowed any claims of fraud to the Times. Jake Rollow, spokesman for Michigan’s Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, told the publication, “We have not seen any evidence of fraud or foul play in the actual administration of the election.”

Jacklin Rhoads, spokeswoman for Pennsylvania’s Democratic Attorney General Josh Shapiro, said, “No active lawsuit even alleges, and no evidence presented so far has shown, widespread problems.”

Read the complete article here.

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